jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

Expecting Life

A vase with water, rising slowly
Every smile, cinnamon smell, fresh snow
Keeps filling it, drop by drop
On the warm skin of the beloved
There, ice melts into million drops
And so time ticks
with drops of feelings
My heart fills
with you
smelling, touching, and feeling life
through you
with the quiet acceptance
that it has finally arrived

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

To Admit or Not

When you are a girl dreaming of the white dress, it is easy to see yourself with that guy, happily ever after the heels are off and the white dress is hung back in the closet. When, however, it finally happens to you, all of a sudden you get a chain of fears starting from whether you'll look as good as you had dreamt in that white dress to whether this is all too soon although you have been planning for a year and dreaming for another 20. If, after years pass, you find yourself looking at him with your soul, not even noticing his new braces at 40, or his hair that's needed a cut for months now, then, maybe, finally, it is time to relax, and accept that by some sheer luck, you've made the right choice.

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

Getting used to things...

When the first rain falls on the sizzling summer sidewalks, the feeling is of relief, that change is there. Coats get taken out, better yet, they are being bought too soon, ignorant of the fact that more heat is to follow, just because the shop windows tell us "think of winter already!"
How long does this fresh smell of the rain last? Or the curling up on the sofa with hot tea...Pages of sunny beaches get taken out for Christmas and here we are, dreaming of the sizzle again...